An author's purpose

An author's purposeBasic

6 Members 3 Online Last Bump: Some time ago


This server is to welcome and bring closure to all writers who write all sorts of things. To the professional, to the casual. From the Basic to the strange. This community I hope to build is a place of comfort, a community where all readers and writers alike can come and hangout and build relationships.


-This server is to welcome and bring closure to all writers who write all sorts of things. To the professional, to the casual. From the Basic to the strange. This community I hope to build is a place of comfort, a community where all readers and writers alike can come and hangout and build relationships. There will be no limits when it comes to conversations (except for the obvious) and I want this to be a place to build connections with one another. -I have recently been stumped. Stumped because I have been looking for servers with my genre of people to write with and just hang out. All the servers I've checked out have either been too casual or too formal. Or have an age limit of 16+ or 20+ it's stressful. So, that comes to my next topic, age restrictions. This server will have no age limits. Now- of course, I will not allow people 11 and below to join (for maturity reasons) so don't take it the wrong way. -The LGBTQA+ is EXTREMELY welcome, and writing of that genre is absolutely fine as well. in this server we welcome diversity and people of all backgrounds to come and talk, so please don't be afraid to be open with us and share things about yourself ❤️



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