RiftQ  - League of Legends EUNE

RiftQ - League of Legends EUNEBasic

47529 Members 12398 Online Last Bump: Some time ago


We are a Legends of Legends EUNE Discord server Community with more than 50.000 Members. The server provides a wide variety of players to play with. Normal games & Ranked from Iron to Challenger and even Professional Players!


Here's what the server offers: -Growing Community with more than 10,000 members! -coaching channel featuring high elo veteran players who are helping less experienced members to preform better and of course you can exchange your experience with other server members as well! Join and ask any kind questions that come to your mind and it could help you improve or even climb the elo ladder! -Thousands of people to meet and create lobbies with to play normal games, ranked games, flex games, clash games and even custom games which we host on the server. Community Acitivities: -Custom Games -Tournaments -Giveaways -Drawing Events And other fun events! Join us at: https://discord.gg/loleune



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