I have no life outside discord

I have no life outside discordBasic

243 Members 42 Online Last Bump: 8 months ago


No additional rules except Discord ToS Feel free to talk about any sensitive topic, make friends and have fun creating your own channels under selected category, as well as uploading/suggesting your own emojis! Community is mostly over 20+


By no additional rules, we mean you can do and say anything as long as it's within Discord terms of service agreement, otherwise you risk your account getting deleted. So please be considered of it. Other than that you do not need to worry about being misunderstood and banned for no reason. Server have mostly chill accepting people that won't attack you for minor details. Community is mostly composed of adults. Theme of the server is originally "lovers of cringe" But it was created to just host custom emojis, so if you want you can suggest some of them.



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