Jesus The King of Kings

Jesus The King of KingsBasic

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💎👑 This Server is for You if You want to know more about God & for You to have Eternal Life forever in Heaven 👑💎


💎👑 This Server is for You if You want to know more about God and for You to have Eternal Life forever in Heaven 👑💎 Maybe you don't believe that God exist? Or you don't believe in Jesus? Or even if you believe in Jesus but you are not sure about eternal life, about your salvation? Then this Server is for you to give you and to show you beyond reasonable evidences to help you in this question in your life, God created the whole universe and God does exist If you want to know where you came from, and why are you here on this Earth and where you are going after this life, more so if you want to go to Heaven after this life to be sure that you belong to Heaven forever, for you to know for sure that you will go to Heaven after this life, more further for you to know more about God about the Truth, or even if you want to have friendly debates/discussions/chats about God about reality about the Truth, then come join into the Server! Time is short we living in the end times and Jesus Christ will come back very soon, come join to receive eternal life by God! **In short:** This Server is for You if You want to know more about God, more about the Truth, what is this life, where We came from, why We are here, where We are going after We leave this Earth, this Server is for You to know more about the Truth and for You to receive eternal life in order to belong to Heaven forever, and this Server is also for You if You have questions about God and want answers or even deeper answers about these interesting topics! Thanks for reading, God bless you and God loves you! God loves you!!! Heaven exist!!!!



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