I've been looking to partner with servers that enforce their rules, including following Discord TOS and no NSFW/racial slurs.
300 members - Regular
850 members - Official
Discord bots, discord servers, logos, intro and edits. ALL FOR FREE😍😍
-over 10 members
-active server
-no any warnings
its a robux selling server, 1000 robux is 1 dollar
200 members
roblox related
Looking to partner with some servers! Be sure to check out the requirements too.
In Long description.
so i want people that follows the partner requirements please ok thanks bro 0-0.
1. Must have 10 members or higher and NOT NSFW
• lgbtq+ friendly • SFW only • accepting of psychotics and systems • anti endo systems • blacklist and vent channels • no doubles list • takes emoji and list reqs
- lgbtq accepting
- do not support endo systems
you wanna partner with us? SURE! just read the rules below!
must have over 30 mems!
must be a sfw server!
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